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E.E.C. Alliance

The East Elmhurst Corona Alliance is a non-partisan all volunteer group of residents and merchants from the Greater East Elmhurst and Corona Community.  We have organized under one collective voice in support of a better quality of life in our neighborhood and fairness in services and programs.   WE are community advocates who care about our historic community. 

Our motto is, "A Pro Active Community is a Protected Community".

EEC Alliance Press Conf Sept 21 2021 (1).jpg

The East Elmhurst Corona Alliance and community residents protests multiple homeless shelters in East Elmhurst, Corona and surrounding neighborhoods.

EECA calls for more security at The Landing Hotel Shelter where a young man was stabbed to death. 

 EECA protest against a Covid-19 shelter at 112 St. and Northern Blvd. which brings the total number of shelters in East Elmhurst, a diverse minority neighborhood with an already high number of Covid-19 cases, to 11. 

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East Elmhurst Corona Alliance members, including District Leader Hiram Monserrate, along with members of the community protesting a sex offender identified as living at the Holiday Inn on Horace Harding Expressway that has been turned into a Men's Shelter.

The East Elmhurst Corona Alliance Rallying for economic justice at Laguardia Airport. 

The East Elmhurst Corona Alliance working hard on

Hurricane Maria relief efforts.

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